Saturday, May 21, 2011

Legend 6

*Rein's POV*

"Rein, have some sandwich." Hongki handed me a sandwich.

Well, he cared about me, but it just... Bothered me that his... I don't know how to put in words.

Anyway, Onew didn't came today. Neither did Taemin.

"Hongki, Onew and Taemin was absent today.." I unwrapped the packaging of the sandwich.

"So?" He munched on his bread.

"Could something have happened? It can't be that they have to absent at the same time.."

He frowned. I annoyed him again.

"Let's skip school." Was what came out from his mouth.


*Onew's POV*

"Lee Taemin, I swear. If I have a chance to come out alive, I'll, kill you." I started panting as the path was getting narrower.

"Hyung, don't talk. It's hard to breathe in here. More over, it's getting narrower. And that means we are getting closer."

Okay, Taemin's idea was to.. Sneak through this small.. I don't know what crap is this, it's just. Small, to get through to the Kingdom.

"How did you... Know about this path.." AISH. This is so narrow.

"I used to escape using this when Father was going to punish us."

"WHAT? So each time I'm being punished alone because you've escaped?"

Great, not only I'm gonna kill him. Once three months is up, I'm going to seal this path.

I climbed out of the tiny hole and stretched my body.

"It feels good to be out."

"Hyung, here. The entrance to the castle."

I looked at the tiny entrance, asking me to squeeze again?

"Well, in the human form. I felt so funny to see foxes having a castle." I took a deep breathe and crawled into the hole.

*Rein's POV*

"Why the sudden idea?"

"We need a break. Let's go somewhere." Hongki flashed his charming smile.

"Somewhere? Wh-" Before I get to finish my sentence, he held my hand and pulled me off. To somewhere.

"A lake?" He let go of my hand and stood by the lake.

"You know, here is one of the perfect spot for viewing moon on a full moon night."

"Is it, how did you find this place." I sat down on the neat grass.

"I met my first love here."

My eyes was wide opened. He never talk about his past before. Never.

*Hongki's POV*

On a full moon night, I met her. Kyungna, she's a white fox. Her white fur shines under the moon and what attracts me was her voice. The gentle voice that I couldn't forget up till now.

"Oh. How did both of you.. Break?" She gestured for me to sit down beside her.

"She was killed."

The King has found out that Kyungna was together with a black fox. Orders were sent to kill her. So indirectly, I killed her.

"Killed? In an accident?"

I remained silent for the question but I smiled.

"She's really beautiful." I looked at the lake, the frog that's jumping onto the dried rock.

"How beautiful is she." Rein smiled.

"Like you. You reminds me of her... Rein,"

I looked at her, she looked at me. As I slowly moved my face towards hers..

"Hongki," She called out my name and pushed me slightly apart from her.

"Why, Rein. Why don't we.. Be together? Since we are always together in school. Perhaps some people had already thought we are a couple. Why don't we ju-"

"Hongki. We are best friends and always... Will be." Rein smiled and patted my hand.

I got rejected even before I confess.

*Onew's POV*

"Father." I didn't know the castle was big enough for me, a human to stand straight.

"Help me. I know who's the one hunting for foxes."

"Who is it?"

"Mike Kingsley."

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Legend 5

*Hongki's POV*

"Ask him to go away." I demanded, she looked at me with her widen eyes.

"Hongki, you can't do that, he's our new friend." She hold onto my shoulders.

"You have to choose, either me or him."

"Rein.. It's okay. I'm used to being alone... Nice to meet you all anyway." He bowed and left.

What is this? I forced him to leave? I'm the bad guy? Why must he act like he needed sympathy.

"So, you are satisfied now." Her eyes full of sadness, it's like I did something to make her sad yet she just silently accept it.

*Onew's POV*

"Hyung, what's wrong with them?" I went to the fridge and get a can of beer.

"Them? Well, encountering friendship problem because of me?" I smirked and flipped the opening.

"And then?"



"Why did you quarrel, over me." I asked, patting her back.

"I don't want him to scold you. I just don't like it when he treat you in such a lousy attitude." She mumbled with her head against my chest.

"You don't have to, I don't mind it at all." My hands run through her hair, it's so smooth.

"He don't like you. He don't want you to be with us. But... But... But I like you.. I'm happy when I see you, I feel like something is missing if you wasn't there with us. I don't feel you're an extra."

I looked her in the eyes.

"Sorry, I don't mean that. I just mean that I like your presence.. But I don't mean that I love you or something, however it's not that I hate you just that.. It's not love. You know.."

~End of Flashback~

"Then I think she's cute, in defending me." I smiled and took a sip of the beer.

"Hyung, we don't have much time left. Don't tell me you're falling for her?" Taemin sat closer to me.

"Well, who knows," I smiled.

Time flies so fast, it's already the night time.

"Oh damn it, I'm so bored." Taemin groaned, lying on the couch.

"Like I said, take a walk outside, maybe you can find something... To do."

"That's it. I'm going out." Taemin opened the door and shut it behind him.

*Hongki's POV*

"It's late now Rein, are you sure about going home alone?" I helped her carried her bag until both of us reached the porch.

"Yeah, pretty sure about it."

She smiled although she still felt sad about the matter. I started to feel a little guilty. I hugged her.


"Hush.. I'm sorry if it's hurting you, but I really enjoy the time when we are alone. You won't blame me for that right..."

"Um..." She didn't return the hug.

"Hongki!!" Seunghyun appeared upside down in front of me.

"What the fuck, are you trying to scare me to death or something," I pulled him down and dropped him onto the floor.

"I've important thing to say. The white foxes has been decreasing a lot recently." His brushy tail kept waving that it started to annoy me.

"Decreasing? Why?" I stepped on his tail and he let out a groan.

"We are still looking into it. Most probably they were hunted and killed."

"What... 'Most probably'.. I want a exact answer. Go back and investigate more before coming out to tell me estimated stories." I smirked.

*Onew's POV*

"Hyung! Hyung!!" Taemin shook me awake from my sleep.

"Aish. You better have a good excuse for waking me up." I put my head under the pillow.

"Kingdom in chaos is a good excuse right?"

Kingdom? Chaos? CHAOS?

"What's happening." I sat up immediately.

"Foxes were being hunted fiercely. Many died."

"Is the King alright?"

"I supposed, he's not out in the open so I guess the hunter couldn't reach him."

Why is there a increase in hunter... Who exactly are those hunters?..

"Hyung, shall we go and take a look?"

I looked at myself from head to toe.

"In this form? How do you enter the Kingdom?"

"I've an idea..." He smiled cutely.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Legend 4

*Rein's POV*

"Onew, have you done your homework?" I sat down in my seat as the class was getting ready to begin.

"Unfortunately, no." He chuckled.

"Well well, so you think new student don't need to follow our class rules?" Hongki put his legs on the table and folded his arms.

I don't like his attitude, why does he seems like he hate Onew a lot.

"Yah Lee Hongki, what's wrong with you?" I shot him a glare and he frowned.

"Yah Rein, why are you scolding me? And the reason is... Him??" He stomped his feet on the ground and faced me, why is he acting this way?

"Because you're behaving in an unreasonable way."

"Unreasonable? In what sense? Just because I'm saying that he wasn't following the class rules??"

"Guys, you don't have to quarrel over... Er.. Me." Onew stood between us.

"Get away from us, I've already told you to get away from Rein and yet you treat me as what? Crap?"

"Get away from me? Lee Hongki, why are you asking him to get away from me?? What's wrong with me??" Yes man, I'm getting hot.

"Because I love it a lot when it used to be only US in break time, when only ME will go and find you after school, when you will only talk to ME in class. I missed the time. What's going on now? With this Onew? He's totally an extra."

I slapped him.

*Hongki's POV*

"Because I love it a lot when it used to be only US in break time, when only ME will go and find you after school, when you will only talk to ME in class. I missed the time. What's going on now? With this Onew? He's totally an extra."

I don't know if I'm going too far but Onew was dumbfounded beside me when suddenly, a slap landed on my face that causes burning sensation after that.

What just happened? Rein slapped me? A girl I love, slapped me, because of another guy?

I smirked and looked her in the eyes. All I could see was anger, there's no regret, at all.

I don't think there's any space for me now. It's all Onew Onew and Onew.

*Onew's POV*

He left the class. He gave me a piercing look before leaving.

Did I just made them quarrel?

"Help me tell teacher that I'm not feeling well." Rein grabbed her bag and ran out of the classroom. I know, she's definitely crying.

"Tae, inform teacher that Rein and I are sick." I grabbed my bag and ran after her.

*Rein's POV*

I can't believe it. I slapped Hongki. I slapped my friend, my best friend that supports me and protects me all the way.


"Hey bitch, I heard that you're quite close with Hongki huh?" A group of girls came and cornered me after school at the locker area.

"May I help you?" I asked, looking down the ground.

"Yes, I do need your help." She smirked and drew out a pair of scissor from her pinky handbag.

"If I cut your hair to the extent of a boy's look... Will Hongki heck care you?" That pair of scissor came closer to me each time a word came out from her mouth.

"Yah. What are you trying to do, bitch." Hongki grabbed her hand that holds the scissor and shot her a dead piercing look.

~End of Flashback~

"What the fuck am I doing just now!" I squatted down and hugged my legs.


"Don't look at me." It's Onew, he's behind me.

"I won't look at you. But allow me to let you cry in my embrace." He softly said and squatted down in front of me.

I nodded silently. His warm arms surrounded me and my tears stained his shirt.

"Why did you quarrel, over me." He asked, patting my back allowing me to calm down.

"I don't want him to scold you. I just don't like it when he treat you in such a lousy attitude." I mumbled with my head against his chest.

"You don't have to, I don't mind it at all." His hands run through my hair.

"He don't like you. He don't want you to be with us. But... But... But I like you.. I'm happy when I see you, I feel like something is missing if you wasn't there with us. I don't feel you're an extra."

His hands stopped. I looked up at him and he stared right into my eyes.

"Sorry, I don't mean that. I just mean that I like your presence.. But I don't mean that I love you or something, however it's not that I hate you just that.. It's not love. You know.." I laughed a little, confused at what I'm driving at.

"I know." He smiled, his angelic smile somehow or rather calmed me down and my mind wasn't chaotic anymore.

I should apologise to Hongki.

*Hongki's POV*

"So.. You got slapped by your girl... Best friend." Seunghyun's tail kept waving, I nodded.

"Wait. Why are you here again?" I came to realise that his existence wasn't normal.

"Well... It's kinda bored there..." The doorbell rang.

"Oh fuck. Get lost, Seunghyun." I swept the table to prevent any fur left behind after he had diminished.

"Why are you here? With him." Rein stood at the doorstep with Onew behind her.

Came to apologise? Brought Onew along?

"Sorry Hongki. I did it too much. Is your face hurting.." She placed her hand on my cheek.

I kinda like the feeling but I can't allow myself to forgive her so easily.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Legend 3

*Rein's POV*

"See you tomorrow Hongki." I smiled as I bid goodbye to him in the bus. Although we took the same bus home, I alighted five stops before him.

"Oh Onew!" I spotted him loitering outside my house.

"Oh hi." His angelic smile was back on his face.

"Why are you here?" I asked him.

"Just walking around I guess."

"This is my house anyway, you're walking around.. My house?" I laughed.

"This is.. Your house?? I didn't know that. Is this fate?" He chuckled.

"Come in for a drink?"

"Why not." He smiled.

*Hongki's POV*

I unlocked the gate and walked into my house.

"you're back."

I looked at the black beast lying on my dining table.

"Why are you here? What if people sees you?" I threw my bag aside and hurried towards the table, I sat down.

"Like who?"

"What if I bring my friends back and they see you, in this.. Form?"

"Bring friends back? For sex?" His tail waving back and fro.

"Seunghyun." I frowned.

"Okay, I'll be serious. I'm just here to say that the princes is out." His brown pearl eyes closed as he speaks.

"Princes? Out?"

"Yes out. In human, like you."

"What? Are you freaking serious?"

"So you think lying is fun?"

"Well, if that's true. All I have to do is to track them down and destroy them. Then the King will not have any heir to his kingdom.. And it will be mine.." I smirked.

"Hey hey, your heart is evil." His erected ears moved an inch.

"It's their fault for discriminating us."

"Fine fine. I gotta get going. See you." He jumped down on the floor and diminished.

So... The princes is here huh.

*Onew's POV*

"Hey, you still haven't tell me where did you come from?" She shoot me a question.

Argh. Why is this again.

"Ha, I.. You won't be interested." I smiled a little and took a sip of the mocha.

"Tell meeeeeeeeee..!"

"We're orphans, we don't know where we came from." Great, a lie.

"Omo. Sorry. I shouldn't have ask you in the first place." Her mood went down, her face sadden.

"It's okay." I laughed. Well, it's a lie anyway, no point making her sad right? I took another sip of it when the doorbell rang.

"Be right back." She whispered and went for the door, I followed after her.


"Why is he here?" He pointed at me, piercing gaze shooting every inch of my body.

"I... I should get going." I smiled rather awkwardly. What now? I'm the third party?

"Don't go. I want to make things clear with you." Hongki grabbed my arm as I past him.

"Let's talk somewhere else." He suggested and left Rein there with a confused expression.

"Stay away from Rein." It was the first sentence that came out from his mouth after we reached the nearby park.

"You love her?"

"H-how do you know?"

Duh, everyone can see except for her. That silly girl.

I smirked and something in the corner of my eyes moved. Something is there. For sure.

"Who's there." I shouted and stared right at the bushes.

"How can you hear something so soft and see something so unnoticeable at a such rapid speed?" He squinted his eyes.

Duh, I'm a fox.

"It's my ability." I smiled.

"It's ability of fox." He said it in a monotonous tone.

"Fox? How do you know?" So he thinks he know about fox? What a person.

"Don't forget, I'm a straight Aces student."

*Hongki's POV*

Because I'm a fox. A black one in particular.